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Specific Gravity of Bitumen

The specific gravity of bitumen, which is also known as asphalt, varies depending on the type and grade of bitumen. Generally, the specific gravity of bitumen at room temperature (25 degree Celsius or 77 degree Fahrenheit) is in the range of 1.01 to 1.06. Bitumen is less dense than water which has a specific gravity of 1.0. The specific gravity of bitumen is an important feature to consider when determining a bitumen sample for its suitability for various applications. Different grades and sources of bitumen may have different specific gravity values, so its important to refer to the specific product specifications for precise information.
This test is conducted to determine the density (specific gravity) of bituminous materials. This test is needed for quality control and grading of bitumen in construction and paving applications.

Scope & Significance

How specific gravity test is conducted?


A list of instruments and apparatuses used for testing bitumen’s specific gravity follows,
Other accessory apparatus include:

Materials for Specific Gravity Test of Bitumen:


When performing a specific gravity test on bitumen, the following precautions should be observed:



Specific gravity test
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