5 Reasons to Use Anionic Bitumen Emulsions Over Cationic Emulsions

Globally, cationic emulsions are used in road surface binder technologies and asphalt products. However, that was not always the case. A solid bitumen emulsion that is stable and forgiving in all conditions, the SS60 is also known as anionic bitumen emulsion. The SS60 has several advantages over its cationic counterpart, the CSS60.

  1. Cationic Emulsions are Corrosive

    The anionic SS60 has an alkaline pH typically between 11 and 12. The cationic CSS can, however, have a pH as low as 1. CSS is, therefore, highly acidic. Since cationic emulsions have an acidic pH, they tend to corrode mild steel parts of emulsion mills, pumps, and tanks. Corrosive pH also affects steel drum packaging.

  2. Anionic Emulsions are Safer

    CSS is highly acidic, which makes it less user-friendly and safer than anionic emulsions. In either case, it is wise to use personal protective equipment (PPE). The low pH of cationic emulsions, however, warrants additional care, while anionic bitumen emulsions have proven to be safe for use in waterproofing fishponds. Anionic emulsions are more effective when it comes to protecting workers and animals.

  3. Anionic Bitumen Emulsions are User-Friendly

    This type of emulsion is more suitable for handwork and labor-intensive construction practices. Anionic emulsions are a good example of a user-friendly bituminous product that has a long history of providing local workers with steady employment. In the road construction industry, there is a strong focus on job creation and empowering women. Their work on the local road system includes essential maintenance, a slurry seal construction, and penetration McAdam construction.

  4. Anionic Emulsions are Storage Stable

    Many engineers consider anionic bitumen emulsions to be more suitable for transport into remote locations since they have a long shelf life. Years of practical experience have given this knowledge. Additionally, the product has earned the reputation of being the best choice for use on rural and remote roads. Often, the surrounding infrastructure is inadequate, including the storage conditions. Construction rates are also slow. In this case, anionic emulsions are the best choice.

  5. Anionic Emulsions are Eco-friendly

    Climate change and pollution are posing huge challenges to our planet. Natural and renewable emulsifiers are used to produce anionic bitumen emulsions. Those responsible for harvesting the resins are trees that provide oxygen. As a result, they promote the protection of trees through eco-friendly emulsion production.

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